Machine Design
Machine Design


Encoders for Machine Vision Systems

About the Book

Although the function of today’s encoder in the modern, digital, AI-driven manufacturing landscape is not very different from that of the original cube encoder launched in 1969, the advanced encoders of today are vital to productivity in the digital age.

In the midst of the exponential growth of the distribution center, for instance, encoders provide a way to drive conveyor systems to accurately provide information that will manage speed, direction, and distance. Combined with a vision system, you now can rapidly route packages of all sizes throughout a distribution center and achieve improved efficiency and quality. In an industry that focuses on just-in-time operations, the encoder helps make sure everything gets to the right place at the right time.

This eBook provides some practical definitions of how encoders, conveyors, and vision systems can work in harmony to deliver products to customers and savings to end users.


Key Positions on Encoders

Hidden Powers of Conveyors

Motion Feedback to Conveying Applications

Selecting Encoders for Machine Vision Systems

Custom Part Vendors for Linear Motion

About the Author

Bob Vavra

Senior Content Manager, Machine Design and Power & Motion

Bob has spent the last 18 years covering safety and plant operations, which has given him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in this sector. His role is to provide clear and useful knowledge across multiple content platforms and ensure our readers have the knowledge they need to develop new solutions. As with all great engineering feats, this is a collaborative effort—so your voice is both welcome and needed as we build a powerful content resource for our global audience.

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